Name | Description | Default | Control |
gap | ResponsiveProp<ThemeSpacingTokens> | - | - |
alignItems | ResponsiveProp<AlignItems> | - | - |
justifyContent | ResponsiveProp<JustifyContent> | - | - |
direction | ResponsiveProp<Direction> | - | - |
wrap | ResponsiveProp<Wrap> | - | - |
grow | Sets the property flex-grow ResponsiveProp<number> | - | - |
shrink | Sets the property flex-shrink ResponsiveProp<number> | - | - |
basis | Sets the property flex-basis ResponsiveProp<FlexBasis> | - | - |
flex | Sets the property flex ResponsiveProp<Flex> | - | - |
minWidth | ResponsiveProp<MinWidth<number>> | - | - |
maxWidth | ResponsiveProp<MaxWidth<number>> | - | - |
width | ResponsiveProp<Width<number>> | - | - |
minHeight | ResponsiveProp<MinHeight<number>> | - | - |
maxHeight | ResponsiveProp<MaxHeight<number>> | - | - |
height | ResponsiveProp<Height<number>> | - | - |